Yoris Sebastian.
Winner of the 2006 International Young Creative Entrepreneur of the Year – Music Award in the UK held by British Council. “Project Goliath” is his new digital music venture in partnership with the UK music industry.
He became the youngest General Manager in Hard Rock Café Asia Pacific (The second in the world) at the age of 26. He is the creator of Hard Rock Café Jakarta successful “I Like Monday” where he won several awards for this, including Indonesian Young Marketers Awards in 2003 from IMA, Markplus and SWA Magazine.
Founder of IP Entertainment in year 2000, to pioneer artist management plus entertainer training class and also set the high standard of event organizing. In 2004 and 2005, the company was selected to become the exclusive artist management for Indonesian Idol winners by 19 entertainment UK.
Creatively, co-founded Broadcast Bar (BC Bar) in year 2000, the first bar in Indonesia that open only 2 nights a week but profitable. Now the bar was closed and became the legendary story of bar history in Jakarta.
In 2001, co-founded MTV Trax magazine. Received MURI (Indonesian Museum of Record) in 2003 for the sensational event “Destination Nowhere” for a traveling event where all the participants didn’t where they heading. On the plane, Cokelat launch their album and perform in the sky. The first in Indonesia! And maybe in the world…
He regularly chosen to become judge in many competitions, such as International Young Creative Award, Young Marketers Award, Black Innovations Award and many more.
Yoris Sebastian is now a full-fledged entrepreneur, as Chief Creative Officer of Oh My Goodness (OMG) Creative Consulting. He believes that “Every Business is a Creative Business”
Recently, he won Asia Pacific Entrepreneur Award 2008 (Most Promising Entrepreneur) for his achievement with his new company, OMG Creative Consulting.
kak yoris, saya zarliantino dari Pontianak Kalimantan Barat. kami bersama tim enterpreneur centre kalimantan barat ingin mengadakan workshop di bulan april 2019. mohon arahannya kak, baik nomor atau prosedurnya untuk dapat saya hubungi
bisa ke email yang ada di bio instagram saya @yorissebastian