It’s November! Dan sebentar lagi tahun baru. New Year New Job! That’s why OMG Creative Consulting is looking a new Project Manager on 2014. So at the end of this month, we should have a deal and signed contract on December 1st, so we can welcome the NEW Project Manager on January 2014. He will handle many creative projects that coming from many different industries, exciting right?
Syaratnya gampang:
1. Suka dengan berbagai hal yang kreatif.
2. Punya pengalaman kerja minimal 2 tahun. (More will be an advantage)
Please email your application letter in english ‘Why you think you should be the next OMG’s Project Manager ‘ together with your CV and list of your past achievement to:
Kenapa butuhnya Project Manager laki-laki karena saat ini di OMG isinya perempuan semua 🙂
Good Luck!
hai mas yoris, apa untuk project ini sudah pengumuman? sya kemarin apply disini..terima kasih
Hi Indra, belum diumumkan… masih sedang dilakukan shortl-listed interview oleh Business Director saya, setelah lolos dari dia, baru interview dengan saya.