Apple Center Jakarta vs Apple Genius Bar

More than 1 year using Macbook, I already become Apple fans and have influenced many people to use and fall in love to Apple products. Wondering why Apple Store never open in Jakarta, but it’s okay because we have many authorized reseller with good product display, good product knowledge and good service.

One thing that I think Apple really need to have is their GENIUS BAR in Jakarta. Why? Because their one and only Apple Center is not up to Apple standard, in my humble opinion as a new Apple fans. It’s not because their location is in Ratu Plaza (one of the oldest mall in Jakarta) that have a limited parking space, and it’s not because the interior is so bad (look at the picture below) but…..

but the staff is very rude.

Actually the girl at the reception is very nice, when I came yesterday evening with my Macbook having problem on the Network button after I download new Java for Mac OS X 10.4 release 7 and Security Update 2008-007 (intel) from my routine automated weekly software update. I came to the dealer but they don’t know how to solve and they said the only place to visit is the Apple Centre (Authorized Service Provider) at Ratu Plaza 3rd Floor.

So, after they look through my Macbook, the technician said that I need to re-install my Macbook. It’s ok with me since I’ve already back-up my data. I thought it will took 2 hours for this service but since they were busy they said I should come again the next day at 12.00 Noon.

Although I used to use my Macbook every night but okay since this place is the only place to go, I agree to leave my Macbook and come again next day.

But today, when I came around 3PM… I’m so surprised that they haven’t done anything with my Macbook and when I’m so angry, the (different) technician said that they were busy and is it possible if I come again tomorrow?

Can you imagine he even dare to ask that question? plus he ask me whether I bring my original CD from my Macbook. “No one ask me to come and bring CD, I supposed to come at 12 Noon to pick up my Macbook, so I want it today..!!!”

“I you angry like that, I might don’t want to do it…. there were so many items need to be fix” he said angrily to me… Wow, I said to myself it’s not my problem you have so many Apple products to fix (btw, makes me wondering whether Apple products have so many problems??? because ever since I used it I have heard very minimum complaint about Apple products.

The technician just left me with no further info. I have to ask the girl at the reception to check on the technician how long I should wait? Finally, I found out i will take 2 hours to re-install it. I went back home and 1 hour later, the reception called inform me that my Macbook done already. I have to go to Ratu Plaza again, find parking space again (my driver off during Sat-Sun) to get my lovely Macbook.

I’m dreaming to have Apple Genius Bar in Jakarta…. When you have questions or need hands-on technical support for your Mac, iPod, Apple TV, or iPhone, you can get FRIENDLY, expert advice at the Genius Bar in any Apple Retail Store. When? Only Steve Jobs knows…


  1. yessshhhh the Apple Genius Bar is kool…. very helpful too… if you still have probs with ur MacBook lemme know i’ll send u my mate’s number – hopefully he’s more helpful than those idiots at Ratu Plaza!!!

  2. btw, apple center sudah diganti dgn apple reseller premium. memang di indonesia harusnya sudah ada apple store.

    next time kalau ada masalah dgn produk apple, call gw aja bos…

  3. oi Mas… 🙂 I think I recognise the pic hehehe… That’s why even a technician need a psychotest hehe.. :-p

  4. oi Mas… 🙂 I think I recognise the pic hehehe… That’s why even a technician need a psychotest hehe.. :-p

  5. apple service center di ratu plaza yang lantai 3 itu kan estore, dulu gw juga pernah mengalami kejadian yang ngak enak.

    Udah tempat kaya gudang, service nya juga 2nd rate 🙁

  6. hehehe.. it’s really a hurtful experience, especially when it is related with the most loveable macbook. I did have one experience when I had my macbook’s HD crashed, and the worst thing was I lost ALL my data.
    So, I wish your posting will come to Steve Jobs desk, and hopefully he will instruct the Asia Pacific Apple team to build one Apple Premium Reseller Store (a.k.a Apple Genius Bar)

  7. wah, kalo eStore sih yang bisa diandalkan itu namanya Bibin, tapi itu juga dengan catatan kalo udah lumayan kenal. gw beli mac 4 taun yg lalu ama dia, lalu sekarang kalo ada apa2 dengan macbook gw (beli di tempat lain) tetap mau nerima sih dia. tapi ya itu, jaringan frontman secara formalnya emang gak bagus eStore. mendingan iBox ya (IMO)

  8. iStore, Apple center di Poin Square pelayanannya jauh lebih oke dan paripurna. Pemiliknya namanya Oom Subiyanto, super ramah dan baik hati. Coba ke sana deh.


  9. sebenarnya di Ratu Plaza juga banyak Authorized Reseller dan ramah2 namun masalah yang kemarin mereka belum ngerti, jadi saya di sarankan ke Ratu Plaza lt. 3 tersebut karena Apple Center nya disana.

    well thanks for all the comments… sekarang saya banyak pilihan kalau Macbook saya rusak 😉

  10. Kalau di Ratu Plaza IMHO lebih baik ke iBox yang persis di sebelah 1st Computer Square , karena service center mereka lebih bagus.

  11. WTF??? so we do not have a genius bar in Jakarta? not even one??? What should I do if I have some questions regarding to my mac?

  12. yes… sad but true… there is no genius bar 🙁

    you have questions… you go the Apple Reseller Outlet… actually I Like to go to cPalm (one of the reseller) but this time it’s a new problem for them… so they refer me to this place in Ratu Plaza… that’s the only place in Jakarta with the title Authorized Service Provider

    We thought that if we go the Authorized Service Provider then they must be updated with all the problem happen with your Mac

    Oh… if just we have Genius Bar here in Jakarta… even only One…

  13. yupp.. we should have genius bar in indo. i’m in england now and i went to the genius bar 3 times to have my problem solved since i was using a 2006 macbook up until 3 days ago when i laid my hands on the new and incredibly more powerful macbook pro. the great thing about this genius bar is, they don’t care how old is your equipment is. if there’s a problem, they will be “challenged” to solve it at a very minimum price (they’d be happy when they solved it at no price at all). i saw some people were sitting next to me with their i-phone 2G, macbook white/black 2006, ipods, and a lot of “vintage” stuffs if that’s how we put it.

    the service also excellent, it is suggested that you book an appointment first but u can also do a walk-in and they’ll try to set up one for you. and if u come when they’re less busy, sometimes after fixing your problem they ask “do u know how to do A,B,C, bla.. bla.. bla.. with your mac?” and after that, they’ll give you some sort of free lesson about mac, which is great because i used mac for 5 years now, and it’s amazing how i missed so many great things i can do with a mac, even an old mac. so i agree, we should definetely have a genius bar in our lovely Indonesia..

    1. Thank for the notes Roy… really think that Apple have a genius bar here… especially now when everybody using iPad slowly but sure the growth of Macbook users will very high. Now I even still ask my friend in LA to purchase iTunes voucher for me 🙂 There’s a lot of Apple Lovers here in Indonesia but it seems like Apple not really in love with Indonesia hehehe

  14. @yoris :
    is it because apple products in Indonesia is less popular? well, that’s one theory, however, i think mac users in Indonesia is way more than enough for apple to set-up an apple store here.. the Mac Club Indonesia, they claim to have 35000 active members and they even have the a website that explains how to use a mac in Indonesian Language, even supported by a video! many of which really helpful for some people. If there’s a genius bar opening in Indonesia, i bet some of the notable member of this club will be a part of it. we have many mac geniuses in Indonesia. i’m not a member of this club., only wandering around their forum and read things. but i do realise how this club really helps beginners like me to understand mac.

  15. @yoris :
    is it because apple products in Indonesia is less popular? well, that’s one theory, however, i think mac users in Indonesia is way more than enough for apple to set-up an apple store here.. the Mac Club Indonesia, they claim to have 35000 active members and i’m sure there are many mac users who aren’t part of this community. They even have the a website that explains how to use a mac in Indonesian Language, even supported by a video just like in apple official website, and it’s delivered in Indonesian language, really useful. because no matter how good your english is, sometimes there’s a lot of technology terminologies that are unfamiliar even to a person who’s been using english as their second language for a long time. so it will really helpful for many people. If there’s a genius bar opening in Indonesia, i bet some of the notable members of this club might as well be a part of it. when i opened the website, i come to realise that we have many mac geniuses in Indonesia who’s expert in basic troubleshooting to advanced settings both software and hardwares . i’m not a member of this club., only wandering around their forum and read things. but i do realise how this club really helps beginners like me to understand mac. i guess what i’m trying to say is, the existence of this club, is a sufficient remedy due to the lack of an official apple store in Indonesia. check out the website on member or not, it will really help you. no intention of promoting, believe me, i’m not a member myself.. 😉

    hope this helps

  16. Waduh ternyata estore service nya parah juga, karena hari ini tepat di awal tahun saya mengalami pengalamanan tidak mengenakkan dengan reseller estore di PIM. Accessories(VGA Adapter) yang saya beli di sana pada tgl 28 des 2013 lalu tidak jalan dan saya telp tgl 31 Desember ke tokonya, mereka bilang datang aja ke toko. Hari ini saya langsung datangin dan mereka bilang kalo klaim barang harus ke estore service center dan baru ada penggantinya 7 hari kemudian. Jelas saya marah, karena merasa dilempar-lempar. Akhirnya mereka mengganti dengan adapter stock di toko tersebut tetapi dengan melempar barang tersebut ke depan saya dan berkata keluar berkali-kali di depan muka saya. Bayangkan guys. Ga bakal saya berurusan lagi dengan estore kalo gitu, baik reseller dan service center nya.

  17. memang apple reseller yg premium atau bukan disini pelayanannya payah, gak ada product knowledge, bahkan yg punya tokonya dia pikir jual apple product kayak jual komputer di mangga dua.

    Gue dulu pernah di Apple Center Jakarta. Emang ada? Ya, dulu ada tahun 90an. Karyawnnya ya sekelas genius bar gitu lah…

  18. Haha….eat that stinky piece of Steve Jobs’ shit, sucker!! Apple is messing around with their customers all over the world. All they want is your money, money, and more money. I was lucky enough that my experience with these craps stops at a pathetic iPod.

  19. Shit happens waktu macbook gw berulang2 restart dan dibawa ke service ibox di ratu plaza ttp ga bisa sembuh malah dinsuruh ulang 3 x bayar pengecekan 200rb. Tapi ga bisa menselesaikan masalah pdhl sudah di keep 3minggu pengerjaan. But never get fixed until my waranty expired. Ada kenalan yg bisa perbaikin ga temen2 disini, boleh minta contact kenalanannya mas meltje? Thank u.. Email saya di thanks

  20. Maaf kami mau menanyakan. kami punya stok aple care sejak 2009, dan kebetulan tahun ini ada yang minat beli. apakah aple care kami masih dipakai? apakah aple care ada expire nya? produk yang kami punya : untuk imac/emac : MA520FE/A

    thanks atas bantuan jawabannya

  21. Apple dan Samsung service center Specialist di Jakarta Selatan buka 24jam non stop!

    kami juga melayanin jasa servis Apple dan Samsung smartphone antar jemput daerah kuningan – sudirman – thamrin didukung oleh sparepart lengkap dan teknisi dari Luar negeri membuat service center kami terbaik di Jakarta

    @Blok M, Jakarta Selatan
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    buka 24 jam setiap hari
    kecuali tanggal merah
    Hotline: 0818637329 (XL)
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  22. Hi anyone can help me please
    Where I can go to fix my iPhone in Jakarta ?
    I still have warranty 1 more year for AppleCare+
    I have problem with my screen ..
    And if I bought my iPhone in Australia can I fix in AppleCare Jakarta ?
    Thanks guys for help 🙂

  23. Gw pernah mengalami kejadian yang lebih menyakitkan dari yoris di toko diatas ketika dulu menjadi newbie apple user.
    Begitu keluar dari toko gw ngluarin sumpah serapah gak akan balik service lagi ke toko ini lagi dan gw suatu saat akan buka outlet apple repair sendiri.
    Alhamdulillah mimpi gw terwujud di awal 2015 ini dan bisa membuka apple repair & spareparts didaerah pondok pinang, jakarta.

  24. Lain halnya sm estore Jogja. I think they are one of the best apple service center.
    Pelayanannya ramah & helpful banget, cepat (on time), & even they offer cheaper solution (stigma gue ke service center biasanya ngasi harga mahal). Pengennya sih kalo servis kesana lagi, but gue udah pindah ke Jkt.

  25. I agree the Apple support in Jakarta is very ( very ) bad. people are rude or simple dont know anything. Simple questions on Communication with portable hard drive or Iphoto questions no body knows here. Where can i go with my questions besides online blogging. It is nice to sit face to face with some one who can explain me.

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