Senang juga saat web surfing ke blog sahabat saya Wahyu Aditya, Kementrian Design Republik Indonesia ternyata Komodo National Park saat ini sudah berada di urutan 8. Artinya sedikit lagi bisa masuk urutan 7.
Sungguh penting bila Komodo National Park bisa masuk dalam jajaran 7 Wonder of Nature in the World. Ayo dukung ya teman-teman, vote and spread this link to your friends
Kalau sudah terpilih nanti, kita promosikan secara kreatif supaya benar-benar siap mendatangkan turis melihat salah satu dari 7 keajaiban dunia 😉
Saya kutip beberapa kesuksesan yang diraih dari sisi tourism di tempat-tempat yang terpilih sebagai The New 7 Wonder of the World.
“A record number of tourists visited Petra last year, encouraging the industry to introduce a range of development schemes to sustain the flow. Official figures showed a 62% increase in visitors last year, generating JD9.5 million in tourism receipts for the country.
Suleiman Farajat, head of the Petra Archaeological Park (PAP), said the increase in arrivals reflected the importance of Petra as a key historical attraction and its popularity as one of the Official New 7 Wonders of the World.”
The Jordan Times, Jan. 10, 2008
“In 2007, Chichen Itza’s El Castillo was named one of the Official New 7 Wonders of the World after a worldwide vote. The vote was embraced by government and tourism officials in Mexico who project that as a result the number of tourists expected to visit Chichen Itza will double by 2012.”
Cancun, April 19, 2008
“Since being named a wonder of the world, the number of visitors (to Chichen Itza) has increased 75 percent, said Juan Jose Martí Pacheco, secretary of Tourist Promotion of Yucatan.”
El Sol de Mexico, 13 February 2008
“According to Peru’s National Institute of Culture, the number of daily visitors to Machu Picchu has increased by over 70% since its election as a New 7 Wonder of the World.”
Living in Peru, August 18, 2008
“Since Machu Picchu was named a world wonder, the value of real estate has doubled and even tripled, says Lily Quispe Charca, President of the Real Estate Agents Assn.”
Living in Peru, May 14, 2008
“A record breaking 3,200,000 tourists visited to adore the beauty of monument of love Taj Mahal in 2007. According to the Archeological Department sources, ‘no sooner the Taj Mahal was included in the ‘new Seven Wonders’ last year, it observed a hike in the number of tourists, both national and international, visiting the place.’ The figure is much higher than that recorded in the preceding year. The mushrooming number of tourists had also drawn good returns to the hotels and created employment opportunities.”
Taj Mahal Online, April 15, 2008
Sayang ya…. Borobudur sudah tidak masuk dalam jajaran 7 Wonders of World.
masuk dan tdknya indonesia, kita hrs tetep bangga!
saya sangat setuju….
setelah borobuduh yg sukses menyandang gelar wonder7
saatnya komodo juga mendapatkannya mas…
trus sms yaaaaa
borobudur (syangnya) bukan 7wonders 🙁
mudah”an pulau komodo masuk ke 7 keajaiban dunia, dan mudah”an pengunjung tdk bosan d pulau komodo……
Entah itu Taj mahal ataupun taj murah
ataupun tembok cina itu kan buatan manusia yang umurnya baru ratusan tahun
ini komodo yang umurnya sudah jutaan tahun, makanya harus dijaga jangan dirusak, kekayaan warisan alam, ciptaan tuhan harus tetap dijaga jangan dimusnahkan.